SQL for Data Analysis and Data Science in 2021, SQL by SQL example, SQL Challenges& SQL Final Exam using Real World SQL Database for Data Science & Data Analysis.
This course will make you an SQL query expert it’s a complete SQL boot camp and, You’ll learn the skills you need to retrieve insightful data from a database. There are many tests your self-quizzes distributed over the course of the course with detailed solutions so you to practice more and more. After completing this course and all of its quizzes and the Final exam, you will be comfortable with using SQL & PostgreSQL in data analysis and data science by SQL Challenges and Final Exam and more
You will learn many tips and tricks in PostgreSQL to query data through the following Topics covered in this course:
Using Real-World PostgreSQL Database Airlines Database.
- What is a Database
- SQL database for beginners.
- Installing PostgreSQL database.
- Creating Tables in a database using SQL.
- Drop table from SQL database
- SELECT Statement use with SQL database data querying
- WHERE Clause use with SQL database data querying
- Operators used with Where clause in SQL database data querying.
- AND & OR use with SQL database data querying
- like, use with SQL database data querying.
- Filtering Operators use with SQL database data querying.
- ORDER BY use with SQL database data querying.
- LIMIT use with SQL database data querying.
- DISTINCT use with SQL database data querying.
- Renaming Column in SQL database.
- Functions use with SQL database data querying.
- GROUP BY & HAVING Clauses use with database data querying.
- Aggregation Queries in SQL database.
- Table Joins in SQL database.
- INNER and OUTER Join in SQL database.
- UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT Clauses use with SQL database data querying.
- Sub-queries use with SQL database data querying.
- Correlated Subqueries use with SQL database data querying.
- CASE Clause use with database data querying.
- Time & date data in SQL in database.
- Using Python with SQL Postgres database.
- Using Python to load Postgres Data Output file.
- Using Python Pandas to Analyze and visualize Postgres Data Output.
- Window Functions for Analytics in SQL database.
- Test Your Self SQL Quizzes distributed throughout this course.
- Challenges for more SQL practice in this course.
- Final Exam in SQL database data querying.